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The Old Church of Kviteseid


Kviteseid Bygdetun, 3850, Kviteseid

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The Old Chuch of Kviteseid was built of stone about 1150 and dedicated to St Olav. The roof was decorated by Thomas Blixius in 1714 in twenty parts.

The church has retained its original entrance with a carved wooden arch above the door depicting two dragons entwined in eternal struggle.

The church has a particularly evocative churchyard.

Guidet tours are arranged in the summer by the nearby open air museum Kviteseid Bygdetun, or pre-booked by Western Telemark Museum: booking@vtm.no.

The Old Church of Kviteseid is still in use.


General facilities

  • built - 1100


Guide Prices

Ticket TypeTicket Tariff
Please see the times and prices at Kviteseid Local History MuseumFree

Prices are subject to change.

Map & Directions


Tel: +47 35 06 90 90

Opening Times

Opening times at the nearby museum (25 June 2025 - 15 Aug 2025)
Tuesday - Sunday11:00 - 17:00
Guided tours three times a day in high season (25 June 2025 - 15 Aug 2025)
Tuesday - Sunday12:00

* General Opening Text

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