Explore Telemark



Museumsbonden hesjar i Eidsborg.


  1. Eidsborg stave church, Vest-Telemark Museum.
    Charming, small stave church. Located by West Telemark Museum in Eidsborg.
    1. 1 May 202515 Sep 2025
  2. Activity park for the whole family - with a 1:1000 model of the Telemark Canal. Be a lock master or a steam ship captain! Many other acitivities.
    1. 15 Jun 202515 Aug 2025
  3. For about 1000 years Tokke has had an export industry of whetstones. For Norwegian Vikings whetstone from Eidsborg was an effective weapon for throwing as the historic sagas tell us.
  4. The Statkraft exhibit centre at the museum in Eidsborg tells the story of hydro power construction in Southern Norway.
    1. 1 May 202515 Sep 2025
  5. Is the storehouse of the legendary woman Åse Stålekleiv the oldest profane wooden building in the world? The traditional storehouse situated here at Vindlaus, is a part of the Museum of Vest-Telemark in Eidsborg. It is, however, not like any other traditional storehouse. It has a unique story behind it which goes far back in time.
  6. From the Winter, Sondre's cabin with original skis outside
    The history of Sondre Norheim begins in Morgedal, Telemark.
  7. Kviteseid Old Church lies close to Kviteseid Bygdetun museum, on a beautiful plateau near the fjord.
    1. 25 Jun 202515 Aug 2025
    2. 25 Jun 202515 Aug 2025